What is the best compliment you've ever heard of about yourself?
I started this short blog with that statement to directly let people think what are their best characteristics that people have told them about.
My mom always call me 'masipag' not just because I'm the youngest child that needs to do all the chores left at home while the rest of the fam finish their job but also because I am really industrious in all terms possible. My siblings always tell me that I'm smart. Both of them graduated from the University that I alway dreamt of, and they always say that I can pass the entrance exams in UP and graduate with a degree (yup, that's how my sister and my brother see me, hehe). While my father always says that I'm a good person. I go to church every Sunday, I help people in the society and such things that can support that I'm a good girl. Few people, that I can really count using my hands told me that I'm beautiful: my ex-es, my best friends and of course my family. Though I can't really accept the term beautiful to describe myself because every time I'm told that I am beautiful I just feel like I'm being lied to. No-pebebe-intentions. Hehe.
Those are the few compliments that I always receive (except for 'beautiful' Cause I seldom hear that)
But I'm not posting this blog to let people know how I boost my confidence, HAHA lol. Not also to boast my character that a few only know of. HEHE. You, what are the things that most people say to you? Are you the 'ang gandang bata talaga nito' that you're titas and titos always compliment during reunion? Or you are the 'ang talino talaga nito' type of student being praised by the teachers? Maybe you're the 'ang sexy mo besh' kind of person that your friends look up to as their body goals. Well I can't think of any other cliche terms people tell each other to increase their confidence level but I can tell you this:
To be called beautiful, smart, industrious, sexy or hot is the simplest compliment you have received. Probably the best thing a person can say to you is not how sexy you are but how you rock every fashion, style and outfit in the world. It's not the best feeling to be called smart but to be called a hard working person that does everything whole heartedly. Also, to be called pretty / beautiful is an understatement.... All of God's creation is beauty, and there's no exception but to be called a God - fearing person is the best.
See? Those common words we hear are not the only words that can help us gain confidence. Always listen to what people say that are good about you and do your best to improve and keep that characteristic in you throughout your whole life. Cause in the end, this small simple details that some noticed about you are actually the big things that when handled properly can be handy in the future.
If you want to make a girl or any person in the world, pay attention to every single thing that they do best and preach them sincerely in that aspect. I can guarantee you that human being will most likely remember you for the rest of their life.
Don't forget to leave a comment compliment below! :))
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